CITM (Certified IT Manager) Training Course Sneak Peek

    SERTIFIKASI - After completion of the course the participant will be able to:

    Provide guidance and implementation for IT strategy as set by senior IT and business managementSelect and manage staff, implement training programs, career plan development and job rotation programsSelect, evaluate and negotiate vendors using RFI, RFP and selection criteriaProvide guidance for developing, testing and implementing business applicationsManage and/or assist in IT project managementDesign and implement service management processes for problem and change managementUnderstand the need for business continuity and design the business continuity planReview and implement information security practices and controlsUnderstand the need for business change, the role and activities of the Business Relationship ManagerInitiate and assist in risk management practicesUnderstand and select new technologies such as Blockchain, Big Data and Artificial IntelligenceSelect suitable technologies for information managementMeasure and improve quality of IT services

    Baca juga: Project Management

    citm certified it manager


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